Cómo saber si su hijo necesita ortodoncia

a happy family

Frecuentemente me preguntan sobre el mejor momento para llevar a su hijo a una evaluación de tratamiento de ortodoncia. El problema es que (como todos sabemos) cada niño es diferente. Sin embargo, un buen punto de partida es alrededor de los 7 años, edad en la que la mandíbula del niño se ha desarrollado lo […]

El camino hacia la sonrisa de su adolescente lista para las selfies

people with colours during fun run

¿Recuerda cuando su hijo era pequeño y usted decía “¡Digan whisky!” antes de tomar una foto? Tantas sonrisas chistosas. Ahora que su hijo es un adolescente, ¿sigue sonriendo para las fotos? ¿Pone una sonrisa grande que muestra sus dientes? Todos los padres quieren que sus adolescentes sean felices, tengan confianza y se sientan bien consigo […]

5 Things Parents Need To Know About Invisalign Teen®

Many parents know about Invisalign®, the virtually invisible way to straighten teeth without metal braces. But I’m often asked for more information about Invisalign® Teen. In short, rather than wires and brackets, Invisalign® Teen uses a series of clear, removable aligners that have been custom-made for your teen’s teeth, a result of precise images I […]

5 Cosas Que Los Padres Deben Saber Sobre Invisalign Teen®

Dr. Whitlock

Muchos padres conocen Invisalign®, la manera virtual de enderezar de forma invisible los dientes, sin la utilización de frenos metálicos. Pero, a menudo, me piden más información sobre Invisalign® Teen. En pocas palabras, en lugar de utilizar frenos y alambres, Invisalign® Teen usa una serie de alineadores invisibles y removibles que están hechos a la […]

Porque la ortodoncia en los jóvenes no se trata solamente de una bonita sonrisa

mother and daughter close up photo

Todos los padres quieren que sus hijos sean capaces de sonreír con confianza pero, para muchos, ésa no es la única razón para investigar sobre la ortodoncia temprana. Mientras que la edad promedio para hacerse un tratamiento de ortodoncia es a los 12 años, en Whitlock Orthodontics tenemos la misión de enfocarnos en niños de […]

For Young Kids Orthodontics Isn’t Just About A Pretty Smile

a toddler biting a rubber fork

Every parent wants their child to be able to smile with confidence but for many that’s not the only reason to investigate orthodontics at an early age. While the average age for orthodontic treatment is 12 years old, we at Whitlock Orthodontics have a mission to focus on children 7 and up. We’ll even do […]

February Is Children’s Dental Health Month

a cute kid with curly hair

THE CDC REPORTS that 1 in 5 children (between ages 5 and 11) in the US have untreated tooth decay. Not only should tooth decay be treated in regular dental appointments, it should be prevented! Tooth decay is 100 percent preventable with effective personal care and regular dental cleanings. In honor of Children’s Dental Health […]

How We Celebrate The Holidays

red Christmas balls with snow on top

MANY PEOPLE SAY the holidays are their favorite time of the year! We all know celebrating traditions that bind friends and family together is truly what makes the holidays special. This year, we want to share with you some of our favorite holiday traditions. Our Team’s Favorite Holiday Traditions: Dr W: We have several that […]

Guarding Your Child Against Playground Tooth Injuries

a kid playing

DID YOU KNOW that about 50 percent of kids experience some type of tooth injury during childhood? Most parents are prepared to treat minor cuts, scrapes and bruises, but it is also important to know how to prevent and treat tooth injuries. As fun as it is, the playground happens to be a hotspot for […]

Get Paid For An “A” Grade

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BACK TO SCHOOL SEASON IS IN FULL SWING! And with the ringing of the school bells comes new friends, new classes, and new opportunities to learn. We know how much you care about your student’s education, so we want to help give them a little extra motivation to do well on that first big test! […]

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