How to Clean Braces: Tools and Techniques

Are you struggling to keep your braces clean? Braces do a lot of great things for our teeth, but keeping them healthy, clean, and free of food can be a challenge. Often we think that cleaning our braces is too tricky, so we avoid it. But keeping your braces clean is critical for the health […]
The Food You Can’t Eat With Braces

On average, traditional braces cost $5,000—sometimes more. But eating the wrong foods, like sticky, hard, or chewy foods, can break the wires and rubber bands. In some cases, the brackets might even disconnect from your teeth. The last thing you want to do after spending so much money on your braces is to break them. […]
Braces VS Invisalign: Which is Better For You?

A beautiful smile does wonders for your confidence, but we’re not all blessed with perfect pearly whites. As we embark on our journey to straight teeth, we’re offered two choices: dental braces or Invisalign? If you’re scratching your head unsure of which team to root for, we’ve got your back. Here’s a break-down of the two […]
Do I Need to Wear a Dental Retainer After Braces? 4 Things You Need to Know

Keeping your teeth healthy is important. But what that entails is different for everyone. For a few lucky ones, a simple regime of flossing and brushing twice a day is all they need to maintain pearly whites and a mouth free of cavities. For many people, crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw are something they […]
Top 7 Oral Hygiene Tips for Those Wearing Braces

Practicing proper oral hygiene should always be a priority. But that takes on a whole new level when you’re wearing braces. You’re excited for the thought of having a straight smile when the braces come off. But if you don’t take extra care of it during the process, you could end up with ugly stains, white spots, […]
Descubra los beneficios de SureSmile® Orthodontics

¿Qué es la tecnología de ortodoncia SureSmile®? Está pensando en ponerse frenos. Y, mientras que está muy emocionado (a) por tener una sonrisa hermosa, puede que esté nervioso (a) por tener que usar los frenos y alambres. Bueno, existe un nuevo sistema de ortodoncia de tecnología súper avanzada que hace que enderezar sus dientes sea […]
The Road to a Selfie-Ready Smile for Your Teen

Remember when your kid was little and you’d yell “Say cheese!” before snapping a photo? All those goofy smiles. As your child has grown into a teen, does he still smile for photos? A big, real smile showing his teeth? All parents want their teenagers to be happy, confident and feel good about themselves. The […]
Porque la ortodoncia en los jóvenes no se trata solamente de una bonita sonrisa

Todos los padres quieren que sus hijos sean capaces de sonreír con confianza pero, para muchos, ésa no es la única razón para investigar sobre la ortodoncia temprana. Mientras que la edad promedio para hacerse un tratamiento de ortodoncia es a los 12 años, en Whitlock Orthodontics tenemos la misión de enfocarnos en niños de […]
For Young Kids Orthodontics Isn’t Just About A Pretty Smile

Every parent wants their child to be able to smile with confidence but for many that’s not the only reason to investigate orthodontics at an early age. While the average age for orthodontic treatment is 12 years old, we at Whitlock Orthodontics have a mission to focus on children 7 and up. We’ll even do […]
How We Celebrate The Holidays

MANY PEOPLE SAY the holidays are their favorite time of the year! We all know celebrating traditions that bind friends and family together is truly what makes the holidays special. This year, we want to share with you some of our favorite holiday traditions. Our Team’s Favorite Holiday Traditions: Dr W: We have several that […]