Nerds Have Infiltrated Dr. Whitlock’s Office!

girl wearing eyeglasses

That’s right, Tuesday, February 10th brought all the nerds out of the woodwork and into Dr. Whitlock’s office. Fun-loving and enthusiastic patients and staff had a blast, with everyone showing their nerdy side—even Dr. Whitlock! Next up we have Camo day, coming Thursday, March 26th. Anyone who dresses up gets extra punches on their card, […]

Whitlock Orthodontics Has Some Exciting New Features!

persons playing video games

Where can you go that you play Guitar Hero, watch movies, sip on delicious flavored coffee and tea, win great prizes and smile the whole time you’re there? At Whitlock Orthodontics of course! We’ve got some new “entertaining” features at our practice, and we think you’re really going to like them! Our practice now offers […]

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