Top ten tips for keeping your BRACES sparklin’ clean!

Keeping your teeth clean is more important than ever when you have braces! Food bits have more spots than usual to hide in your mouth, so you must be diligent in order to avoid bad breath, swollen gums, discolored teeth and cavities. If you remove plaque regularly during treatment, you’ll experience better results and shorter […]

Ask Whitlock Orthodontics: Which toothbrush should my child use?

a joyful woman showing off her perfectly aligned teeth

Northwest Arkansas orthodontist Dr. Boyd Whitlock will tell you that brushing your teeth is one of the easiest methods of cavity prevention. The question remains, however: which type of toothbrush should your child use? When choosing a toothbrush, look for round-ended (polished) bristles that clean while being gentle on the gums. Choose one that is […]

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