Carmel, Chocolate, and Candy Canes Oh My! Keep your BRACES Sparklin’ Clean this Holiday Season.

Whitlock Orthodontics knows how difficult it can be, especially this time of year, to keep your Braces clean. But do keep in mind that keeping your teeth clean is MORE important than ever when you have braces. Food bits have more spots than usual to hide in your mouth, so you must be diligent in […]
Dr. Whitlock wants to know: Are you getting regular checkups?

Springdale and northwest Arkansas orthodontist Dr. Boyd Whitlock wants to know: is your child brushing his or her teeth twice a day as recommended during their treatment? If the answer is yes, that’s fantastic! But, don’t forget it’s also important for your child to visit the dentist every six months in addition to brushing their […]
Whitlock Orthodontics want to know: What are you up to in January?

BRRRRR! It may still be chilly outside, but can you believe we’re only a couple of months away from spring? Dr. W and our team at Whitlock Orthodontics want to know: What are you doing in January? Any big mid-winter break plans? Anything exciting going on in your life? If you have any photos or […]