Steph’s Summer Family Adventures!

Today we are going to showcase some of Steph’s Summer Family Adventures! Her two cutie kiddos got a picture with the Naturals Mascot & also got to go crab hunting in Destin! Looks like you guys have had an amazing summer full of memories!     #WhitlockOrthodontics #whitlockscholarship #rockyoursmile

Virtual Tour!

Welcome to the #WhitlockOrthodontics family! We are so happy to have you as a part of this family! We can’t wait to meet you… in person! In the meantime, take a look at our office!

How To: Smile Selfies for Virtual Consults

Our awesome team member, Leslie shows us how to use this amazing Dental Monitoring technology that’s allowed us to develop our Whitlock-On-The-Go Virtual Program!! You can do this with out without the ScanBox as long as you have a phone & your retractors!

Post-COVID Safety Procedures!

Wondering what your first appointment will look like at #WhitlockOrtho? Watch this video! We are doing every single thing in our power to keep you on track to a #RockstarSmile, but even more importantly to keep you safe & healthy! We have instituted some important steps to make sure both happen 😁


¡PRESENTANDO LA NUEVA TECNOLOGÍA INTELIGENTE EN WHITLOCK ORTHODONTICS! Un tratamiento de ortodoncia más rápido y efectivo con menos consultas! Hoy en día, todo lo hacemos en nuestros teléfonos, desde escuchar la música favorita de nuestros hijos y utilizar la banca electrónica hasta revisar quién se encuentra afuera de nuestra puerta mientras estamos fuera de casa. […]

Smile Like It’s 2019!

two happy girls hugging each other

INTRODUCING DENTAL MONITORING AT WHITLOCK ORTHODONTICS! Faster, More Efficient Orthodontic Treatment with Fewer Appointments We do everything on our phones today, from listening to our kids’ favorite music to electronic banking, to seeing who is at our front door while we’re away from home. At Whitlock Orthodontics we’re excited to announce that at our practice […]

When Is The Best Time For My Child’s First Orthodontic Visit?

kids celebrating a birthday party

At what age should child have orthodontic consult? You may be surprised to learn that it’s very important and should be done around their 7th birthday. While most problems can be successfully managed at a later age, Dr. Whitlock has special training in early orthodontic treatment and can determine the best time for your child. […]

¿Cuál es el mejor momento para que mi hijo(a) acuda a su primera visita de ortodoncia?

kids celebrating a birthday

¿A qué edad debe consultar el niño la ortodoncia? Podría sorprenderle saber que es muy importante y debería hacerlo alrededor de su cumpleaños número 7. Mientras que muchos problemas pueden tratarse exitosamente a una edad más tardía, el Dr. Whitlock tiene un entrenamiento especial en ortodoncia temprana, y puede determinar cuál es el mejor momento […]

Lea esto antes de ordenar tratamiento de ortodoncia por internet

En estos días, se puede hacer casi cualquier cosa con sólo darle clic a un botón: ordenar útiles escolares; conseguir transporte; ver su película favorita; ordenar comida. Parece que cada día hay una forma más nueva y más sencilla de hacer casi todo. Hemos sido programados para aceptar que se puede ordenar cualquier cosa vía […]

Read This Before Ordering Orthodontic Treatment Online

happy family

These days you can do almost anything with the click of a button. Order school supplies. Get a ride across town. Watch your favorite movie.  Order food delivery. It seems like every day there’s a newer and easier way to do almost everything. We’ve been programmed to accept that anything can be ordered online and […]

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