3 Ways to Know if Invisalign is Right For Your Teen

At my orthodontic practice, offering clear aligners is an important treatment option for patients, especially teenagers. When indicated by a trained orthodontist, Invisalign, the leading clear aligner brand, can provide teens with the beautiful straight teeth they’ve always wanted — without braces. A consultation with an orthodontist is the only way to know for sure […]
Descubra los beneficios de SureSmile® Orthodontics

¿Qué es la tecnología de ortodoncia SureSmile®? Está pensando en ponerse frenos. Y, mientras que está muy emocionado (a) por tener una sonrisa hermosa, puede que esté nervioso (a) por tener que usar los frenos y alambres. Bueno, existe un nuevo sistema de ortodoncia de tecnología súper avanzada que hace que enderezar sus dientes sea […]
Una sonrisa derecha es la mejor primera impresión

Todos conocemos el dicho “No juzgues un libro por su portada”, pero la realidad es que todos lo hacemos. Las primeras impresiones son importantes y su sonrisa dice mucho sobre usted. Es por eso que en Whitlock Orthodontics no solamente nos preocupamos por ayudar a nuestros adolescentes, sino que queremos ayudar a los adultos también. […]
A Straight Smile Is the Best First Impression

We all know the saying, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, but the reality is: we all do. First impressions are important and your smile says a lot about you. That’s why at Whitlock Orthodontics, we don’t just care about helping our teens, we want to help adults as well. A straight smile is […]
Get Paid For An “A” Grade

BACK TO SCHOOL SEASON IS IN FULL SWING! And with the ringing of the school bells comes new friends, new classes, and new opportunities to learn. We know how much you care about your student’s education, so we want to help give them a little extra motivation to do well on that first big test! […]
Smile with Invisalign Teen™ at Whitlock Orthodontics!

There’s good news for teenagers at Whitlock Orthodontics! We are proud to offer Invisalign Teen, a popular choice for straightening teeth without traditional wires and brackets. Much like Invisalign for adults, Invisalign Teen is an alternative to metallic braces and is undetectable when worn. Invisalign moves teeth at a pace that is faster than traditional […]
The Go-To Mom Talks Invisalign

Our team at Whitlock Orthodontics found a great video that discusses the advantages of Invisalign. In the video, Kimberley Clayton Blaine, “The Go-To Mom,” discusses the Invisalign and Invisalign Teen treatment and her personal experience with Invisalign. To determine if Invisalign is right for you, schedule your complimentary new patient consultation with Dr. Boyd Whitlock. […]