How to Tell if Invisalign is Tracking
The Invisalign tooth straightening system is a miracle for many people who want to improve their smile, but don’t want or can’t use traditional braces. In fact, over 6 million people—adults and teens alike—have used it to straighten their teeth. But tooth straightening is a slow process, and sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s […]
Braces VS Invisalign: Which is Better For You?
A beautiful smile does wonders for your confidence, but we’re not all blessed with perfect pearly whites. As we embark on our journey to straight teeth, we’re offered two choices: dental braces or Invisalign? If you’re scratching your head unsure of which team to root for, we’ve got your back. Here’s a break-down of the two […]
How to Clean Invisalign Trays: A Guide for New Invisalign Wearers
Over five million people have used Invisalign to improve their smiles. Considering the orthodontics treatment for straightening teeth can be more comfortable than wearing traditional braces, it’s easy to see why it’s a very popular option. But using Invisalign isn’t maintenance-free. The trays used to align teeth need to be cleaned and cared for, or […]
Descubra los beneficios de SureSmile® Orthodontics
¿Qué es la tecnología de ortodoncia SureSmile®? Está pensando en ponerse frenos. Y, mientras que está muy emocionado (a) por tener una sonrisa hermosa, puede que esté nervioso (a) por tener que usar los frenos y alambres. Bueno, existe un nuevo sistema de ortodoncia de tecnología súper avanzada que hace que enderezar sus dientes sea […]
Una sonrisa derecha es la mejor primera impresión
Todos conocemos el dicho “No juzgues un libro por su portada”, pero la realidad es que todos lo hacemos. Las primeras impresiones son importantes y su sonrisa dice mucho sobre usted. Es por eso que en Whitlock Orthodontics no solamente nos preocupamos por ayudar a nuestros adolescentes, sino que queremos ayudar a los adultos también. […]
A Straight Smile Is the Best First Impression
We all know the saying, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, but the reality is: we all do. First impressions are important and your smile says a lot about you. That’s why at Whitlock Orthodontics, we don’t just care about helping our teens, we want to help adults as well. A straight smile is […]
Get Paid For An “A” Grade
BACK TO SCHOOL SEASON IS IN FULL SWING! And with the ringing of the school bells comes new friends, new classes, and new opportunities to learn. We know how much you care about your student’s education, so we want to help give them a little extra motivation to do well on that first big test! […]
Make 2013 The Year to Improve Your Oral Health!
Many of our patients consider the beginning of a new year a time to not only reflect on the year that was, but also to set personal goals for the upcoming year. How are you planning to improve your health and happiness in 2013? Because it’s never too early to start thinking about New Year’s […]
How long does orthodontic treatment take?
How long does orthodontic treatment take? Orthodontic treatments are used to correct malocclusion, a condition more commonly known as a bad bite. The length of treatment time varies depending on the severity of the bite problem. What is a “bad bite”? A bad bite occurs when spacing or alignment problems are present. This often includes […]
Braces without Embarrassment
Adults who need orthodontic care often share the misconception that they are too old for braces and would rather not deal with the embarrassment. You are probably familiar with horror stories about rubber bands snapping, mishaps with kissing, and unsightly food sticking in metal braces. Many adults believe that braces are just for children, but […]