Myofunctional Therapy And Orthodontics

Hey, Dr. Whitlock here from Whitlock Orthodontics in Springdale and Fort Smith, AR. I have a couple of questions for you: Can you breathe through your nose? Are you a mouth breather? Do you feel like you need a nap sometimes during the day? Anybody ever tell you that you snore, or that you toss […]
Proteja a Su Hijo De Pasar Una Mala Noche

¿Su hijo parece estar cansado durante el día? ¿Su hijo ronca o se despierta sin aliento a mitad de la noche? Podría tener apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS)- una condición crítica en la que la respiración se detiene periódicamente durante el sueño debido a que el tejido suave se relaja y obstruye las vías respiratorias. […]
Protect Your Kid From a Bad Night’s Sleep

Does your child seem drowsy during the day? Does he or she snore or wake up breathless in the middle of the night? They could have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) – a chronic condition where breathing stops periodically during sleep because soft tissue is relaxing and obstructing the airway. These periodic stops can happen as […]